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XtaLAB Synergy-S
  • Recolección de datos más rápida y precisa debido al goniómetro kappa de alta velocidad, la fuente de rayos X de alto flujo, el detector de rayos X rápido y de bajo ruido, y el software de control de instrumentos altamente optimizado.
  • Versatilidad experimental mejorada cuando la opción de fuente dual se selecciona entre tres posibles longitudes de onda (Mo, Cu o Ag).
  • El más alto nivel de seguridad del usuario con múltiples circuitos de seguridad electromecánicos redundantes integrados en la cámara de radiación diseñado ergonómicamente.
  • Minimice su tiempo de inactividad utilizando diagnósticos en línea integrados y solución de problemas para diagnosticar y solucionar casi todos los problemas sin visitar el sitio.
  • Resuelva estructuras automáticamente y determine su muestra en unos segundos antes de comprometerse con un conjunto de datos completo mediante el uso de la característica “What is this?” (¿Qué es esto?).
  • Mejore su capacidad de investigar muestras pequeñas porque la tecnología de píxeles de matriz de estado sólido de los detectores de rayos X HyPix, demuestran que los fotones de rayos X se cuentan instantáneamente a medida que llegan al detector. No hay conversión a luz visible por un centelleador, por lo que la energía del fotón se puede evaluar en el momento de la detección, lo que genera imágenes esencialmente libres de ruido. Las imágenes libres de ruido demuestran que puede contar con más tiempo para los cristales de difracción débil, sin pérdida en la calidad de los datos derivada del ruido del detector.
  • Optimice la velocidad de recolección de datos cuando seleccione el detector curvo opcional HyPix-Arc 150°, que permite una cobertura theta que excede los detectores más grandes y al mismo tiempo ofrece la tecnología de detección de mayor rendimiento.
  • Mejore su capacidad para resolver celdas de unidades grandes, redes inconmensurables o duplicadas cuando selecciona la ranura de haz variable motorizada opcional, para alterar la divergencia y adaptar la fuente a los requisitos de su muestra.

five starsLea lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre XtaLAB Synergy-S


Difractómetro de rayos X de microfoco único o doble para todas sus necesidades de cristalografía

Un difractómetro de rayos X de monocristal rápido y ágil para el análisis de estructuras 3D de moléculas pequeñas

XtaLAB Synergy-S

Con el éxito de su experimento en nuestras mentes, hemos desarrollado el difractómetro de rayos X Synergy-S XtaLAB para la difracción de rayos X de monocristal. Utilizando una combinación de componentes de vanguardia y el software inspirado por el usuario, unidos a través de una arquitectura altamente paralela, el XtaLAB Synergy-S produce datos rápidos y precisos de manera inteligente. El sistema se basa en la serie PhotonJet-S de fuentes de rayos X de microfocus que opcionalmente incorporan ranuras de divergencia continuamente variables. Estas fuentes de tercera generación se han diseñado para maximizar los fotones de rayos X en la muestra mediante el uso de una combinación de nuevas ópticas, nuevos tubos de mayor duración y un sistema de alineación mejorado. Las fuentes PhotonJet-S están disponibles en longitudes de onda Cu, Mo o Ag en una configuración de fuente única o doble. El difractómetro de rayos X monocristalino XtaLAB Synergy-S viene con un goniómetro kappa que incorpora velocidades rápidas del motor y un brazo telescópico único de dos theta para proporcionar flexibilidad total para su experimento de difracción. El sistema también está equipado con su elección de detectores híbridos de conteo de fotones HPC, el HyPix-6000HE o la amplia cobertura theta HyPix-Arc 150° o HyPix-Arc 100°.

In some settings, there is a desire to share instrument resources across different research groups. The XtaLAB Synergy-S in a dual-source configuration is the perfect system to be shared between protein crystallographers and chemical crystallographers: a Mo source will give the chemical crystallographers the wavelength necessary to reduce absorption from heavier elements and a Cu source, with optional continuously variable divergence slits, will give the protein crystallographer the functionality necessary to resolve large unit cells.

Detectores HyPix

La propia familia de detectores HyPix de Rigaku utiliza la tecnología de píxeles de matriz de estado sólido para permitir la detección y el conteo directo de fotones de rayos X. La detección directa de fotones de rayos X significa que los fotones de rayos X se cuentan instantáneamente a medida que llegan al detector. No hay conversión a luz visible por un centelleador, por lo que la energía del fotón se puede evaluar en el momento de la detección. Esto conduce a imágenes esencialmente libres de ruido. Los detectores HyPix cuentan con una frecuencia de imagen de 100 Hz que permite el corte fino de datos incluso a las velocidades de goniómetro más rápidas. Los detectores HyPix incorporan contadores dobles que permiten varios modos de operación. La tecnología electrónica de contador alterno rápido (RACE) permite el modo de tiempo muerto cero de 100 Hz, y asegura que ningún píxel quede ciego durante más de unos pocos nanosegundos durante la exposición a los rayos X. El modo de alto rango dinámico combina los contadores para ofrecer una profundidad de conteo masiva de 31 bits. Los umbrales dobles ofrecen modos diferenciales y supresión de señal selectiva.


El XtaLAB Synergy-S se define por su nueva fuente de rayos X PhotonJet-S. Las fuentes PhotonJet-S proporcionan casi el doble de flujo para los tres tipos de objetivos (Mo, Cu, Ag) en comparación con la generación anterior. Para obtener la mejor calidad de datos, es importante asegurarse de que cualquier fuente proporcione flujo altamente reproducible cuadro tras cuadro. A medida que cambia la temperatura del tubo, también lo hace el flujo de rayos X que llega a su muestra. El control de la temperatura de nuestras fuentes mediante el circuito cerrado de refrigeración de agua ofrece la mejor solución para un alto rendimiento y una confiabilidad consistentes, en un paquete completamente independiente.

Acondicionamiento del haz

Donde los picos superpuestos son una preocupación, ej. células unitarias grandes, proteínas, duplicadas (gemelas) o inconmensurables, la alta divergencia del haz no es deseable. En las fuentes PhotonJet, una ranura de haz variable motorizada controlada por software está disponible como una opción para alterar la divergencia y así adaptar la fuente a los requisitos de su muestra. Para aquellas muestras en las que la intensidad es más importante, la ranura se puede abrir por completo para obtener el flujo más alto. Para aquellos donde la nitidez del pico y la superposición son prioridades, el haz puede limitarse a una divergencia en cualquier lugar entre 1 y 10 mrad.

CrysAlisPro v40

El XtaLAB Synergy-S viene completo con CrysAlisPro nuestro software de recopilación y procesamiento de datos inspirado por el usuario para el análisis de monocristales. Diseñado en torno a una interfaz gráfica de usuario fácil de usar, CrysAlisPro se puede operar bajo control totalmente automático, semiautomático o manual. CrysAlisPro combina el cribado automático de cristales, el software de estrategia más rápido y preciso disponible, la reducción de datos concurrentes y la solución automática de la estructura de moléculas pequeñas. Se proporciona retroalimentación visual para cada paso con una guía clara y codificada por colores para que tanto los principiantes como los expertos puedan recopilar datos de alta calidad en el menor tiempo posible.

CrysAlisPro can be operated in either in a protein or small molecule dedicated workflow. Popular third-party protein data processing packages can easily process diffraction data if desired.


AutoChem es la herramienta de productividad definitiva para los químicos de moléculas pequeñas, ofreciendo una solución de la estructura y un refinamiento rápido totalmente automático durante la recolección de datos. Desarrollado en colaboración con OlexSys Ltd (universidad de Durham, Reino Unido), AutoChem trabaja en conjunto con Olex² donde existe una solución de estructura más avanzada y una funcionalidad de refinamiento. AutoChem está perfectamente integrado en CrysAlisPro y forma parte integral de nuestra característica ‘What is this?’ (¿Qué es esto?). La función ‘What is this?’ ofrece estructuras rápidamente y le garantiza que no perderá tiempo recolectando conjuntos de datos completos de muestras conocidas o materiales de base. Es una opción alternativa previa al experimento, que se utiliza para planificar sus recolecciones de datos completas.

Especificaciones y características
Nombre del producto XtaLAB Synergy-S
Atributos principales Difractómetro de fuente de rayos X de microfoco de tubo sellado único o doble con detector híbrido de píxeles de matriz y goniómetro kappa
Detectores HyPix-6000HE o la amplia cobertura theta opcional HyPix-Arc 100° o HyPix-Arc 150°
Fuente de rayos X Fuente de rayos X PhotonJet-S con un nuevo microfoco de tubo sellado que incorpora un nuevo diseño de espejo y un nuevo hardware de alineación. Hay tres tipos de objetivos disponibles (Mo, Cu, Ag)
Goniómetro Rápido goniómetro de geometría kappa que permite velocidades de escaneo de recolección de datos de hasta 10°/seg
Accesorios Oxford Cryostream 800, Oxford Cobra, XtaLAB Synergy FLOW robotic system, XtalCheck-S, High Pressure Kit
Computadora PC externa, MS Windows® OS
Dimensiones principales 1300 (ancho) x 1875 (alto) x 850 (profundo) mm
Cuerpo 550 kg (unidad central)
Requerimientos de energía 1Ø, 90-130 V 15 A o 180-260 V 4 A

Video for XtaLAB Synergy-S diffractometer

XtaLAB Synergy-S Testimonials

X-ray Diffraction Facility at Cornell University

"My decision was ultimately cemented by doing a demo of the instrument and I would recommend that anyone considering making a purchase do one, either in person or virtually. I absolutely would recommend my new system – the combination of speed, quality and design has transformed the way that we are doing research in the facility."

University of Southern Denmark

"With our new instrument we were able to remove the backlog for data collections through rapid collection of good quality crystals. It has also permitted realistic use of single crystal crystallography as in integral part of undergraduate laboratory classes."

Texas Tech University

"The thing that really stuck out in our minds was the number of Synergy users that had experiences with other instrument companies and how impressed they were with both the instrument and the level of customer service that Rigaku was providing.   ”

Chemical Analysis Facility, University of Reading

"We’d have no hesitation in recommending the Synergy system. The combination of excellent hardware and software is a powerful one, and our close working relationship with Rigaku gives us confidence that we’ve made a sound choice that will serve us well for the foreseeable future.”

Crystallography Lab at Emory University

"I underestimated the impact a new system would have on the workflow and our ability to analyse multiple samples. It has allowed us to remain competitive, and to be able to provide the necessary service support for research groups in the department.”

Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

"After six months I am impressed with the instrument’s performance, and also the software. Furthermore, in my dealings with Rigaku, I have always been listened to as a customer and have received quick responses, something I have lacked with other companies."

Papers published using the XtaLAB Synergy-S

  1. Photochemical Reactions of a Diamidocarbene: Cyclopropanation of Bromonaphthalene, Addition to Pyridine, and Activation of sp³ C–H Bonds, Tharushi A Perera, William V Taylor, M. Brenton Gildner, Eric W. Reinheimer, Sho Ito, Anna Nelson, Shane R Yost and Todd W Hudnall, Chemical Science, 10 May 2023
  2. A fresh view on the structure and twinning of owyheeite, a rod-polytype and twofold superstructure, B. Stöger, C. Göb and D. Topa, Chemical Science, Acta Cryst. (2023). B79

  1. Stewart F. Parker, Emilie J. Revill-Hivet, Daniel W. Nye, and Matthias J. Gutmann Structure and vibrational spectroscopy of lithium and potassium methanesulfonates Royal Society Open Science 2022 7(7) , 200776
  2. H. Q. Ye, T. Le, H. Su, Y. N. Zhang, S. S. Luo, M. J. Gutmann, H. Q. Yuan, and M. Smidman Magnetic properties of the layered heavy-fermion antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CePdGa}}_{6}$ Phys. Rev. B 2022 105(1) , 014405
  3. Yamin Sun Improved solubility of gefitinib achieved by the water-acetone solvate Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2022 99(1) , 100260
  4. Yulia.A. Trukhanova, Galina M. Alekseeva, Igor P. Yakovlev, and Dar'ya V. Spiridonova Attestation of the primary standard sample of a new analgesic agent 1-phenyl(phenylimino)methyl) pyrrolidine-2,5-dione, development and validation of a method for quantitative determination of the substance by HPLC Microchemical Journal 2022 173, 106991
  5. Pradip Chakraborty, Mouhamadou Sy, Houcem Fourati, Teresa Delgado, Mousumi Dutta, Chinmoy Das, Céline Besnard, Andreas Hauser, Cristian Enachescu, and Kamel Boukheddaden Optical microscopy imaging of the thermally-induced spin transition and isothermal multi-stepped relaxation in a low-spin stabilized spin-crossover material Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022 24(2) , 982-994
  6. Odil CHORIEV, Jamshid ASHUROV, Aziz IBRAGIMOV, Shukhrat TURABOEV, and Vahobjon SABIROV Anionic Favipiravir in Salt-type Cocrystals with Monoethanolamine and Ethylenediamine X-ray Structure Analysis Online 2022 38, 15-17
  7. Krebs, Christoph,, Jess, Inke,, Nather, and Christian, Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal properties of bis(1,3-dicyclohexylthiourea-[kappa]S)bis(isothiocyanato-[kappa]N)cobalt(II) Acta Cryst. E 2022 78(1) , 71-75
  8. Ariel J. Kuhn, Beatriz Ehlke, Timothy C. Johnstone, Scott R. J. Oliver, and Jevgenij A. Raskatov A crystal-structural study of Pauling–Corey rippled sheets Chem. Sci. 2022 13(3) , 671-680
  9. Tokuda, Makoto,, Yubuta, Kunio,, Shishido, Toetsu,, Sugiyama, and Kazumasa, Redetermination of the crystal structures of rare-earth trirhodium diboride RERh3B2 (RE = Pr, Nd and Sm) from single-crystal X-ray data Acta Cryst. E 2022 78(1) , 76-79
  10. Andrey P. Shablinskii, Alexei V. Povolotskiy, Ilya E. Kolesnikov, Yaroslav P. Biryukov, Rimma S. Bubnova, Margarita S. Avdontceva, Sofya V. Demina, and Stanislav K. Filatov Novel red-emitting color-tunable phosphors BaBi2-xEuxB2O7 (x = 0–0.40): Study of the crystal structure and luminescence Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022 307, 122837
  11. Nitek, Wojciech,, Kania, Agnieszka,, Marona, Henryk,, Waszkielewicz, Anna M.,, Zeslawska, and Ewa, Influence of protonation on the geometry of 2-{[(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)ethyl]amino}-1-phenylethan-1-ol: crystal structures of the free base and of its chloride and 3-hydroxybenzoate salt forms Acta Cryst. C 2022 78(1) , 14-22
  12. Ping Cui, Yu Mu, Hao Gao, Rui Guo, Lingbing Kong, and Chunming Cui Bulky lithium amides for para-elementation of secondary m-terphenylamines Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2022 959, 122205
  13. Guseinov, Firudin I.,, Kobrakov, Konstantin I.,, Ugrak, Bogdan I.,, Atioglu, Zeliha,, Akkurt, Mehmet,, Bhattarai, and Ajaya, Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2,2,2-trifluoro-1-(7-methylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-yl)ethan-1-one Acta Cryst. E 2022 78(1) , 12-17
  14. Xiaoni Qu, Guixu Pan, Lina Zheng, Shaohua Chen, Yinbo Zhou, and Sheng Zhang 3D Cobalt(II)-based MOF: Synthesis, structure, thermal decomposition behavior and magnetic property Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022 305, 122702
  15. Er-Meng Han, Wei-Dong Yu, Jun Yan, Xiao-Yi Yi, and Chao Liu Metal-Directed Self-Assembly of {Ti8L2} Cluster-Based Coordination Polymers with Enhanced Photocatalytic Alcohol Oxidation Activity Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61(2) , 923-930
  16. Dingqi Xiong, Yuyan Li, Zhan Shi, Tianrui Qin, Duqingcuo Li, Pengkun Fu, Qinglin Yang, Yanyan Zhu, and Xiuyan Dong Syntheses, structures, and properties of three new complexes (Co(II), Cd(II), Zn(II)) assembled with 3-(2,4-di-carboxyphenoxy)phthalic acid Journal of Molecular Structure 2022 1254, 132343
  17. U.S. Kemelbekov, K.R. Ramazanova, A.Z. Kabdraissova, and V.K. Sabirov X-ray and NMR study of β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with 1-methyl-4-ethynyl-4-hydroxypiperidin Chemical Data Collections 2022 37, 100811
  18. Pirnazarova, Nasiba,, Yakubov, Ubaydullo,, Allabergenova, Sevara,, Tojiboev, Akmaljon,, Turgunov, Kambarali,, Elmuradov, and Burkhon, Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 3-methyl-4-oxo-N-phenyl-3,4-dihydroquinazoline-2-carbothioamide Acta Cryst. E 2022 78(1) , 47-50
  19. Eyad A. Younes, Maryam F. Abdollahi, Anas J. Rasras, and Yuming Zhao Joint experimental and computational studies of a cyanomethylcarbamoyl-bridged pyrene–dinitrobenzene molecular ensemble Journal of Molecular Structure 2022 1247, 131374
  20. Yulia A. Kondratenko, Dmitrii O. Antuganov, Andrey A. Zolotarev, Michail A. Nadporojskii, Valery L. Ugolkov, and Tatyana A. Kochina Diethanolammonium protic ionic liquids - promising buffers for the synthesis of 68Ga- labelled radiopharmaceuticals Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022 345, 117029
  21. Krebs, Christoph,, Jess, Inke,, Ceglarska, Magdalena,, Nather, and Christian, Crystal structure of diethanolbis(thiocyanato)bis(urotropine)cobalt(II) and tetraethanolbis(thiocyanato)cobalt(II)-urotropine (1/2) Acta Cryst. E 2022 78(1) , 66-70

  1. Nikita V. Shtyrlin, Rail M. Khaziev, Valery G. Shtyrlin, Edward M. Gilyazetdinov, Mariya N. Agafonova, Konstantin S. Usachev, Daut R. Islamov, Alexander E. Klimovitskii, Tatiana I. Vinogradova, Marine Z. Dogonadze, Natalia V. Zabolotnykh, Evgenii G. Sokolovich, Petr K. Yablonskiy, and Yurii G. Shtyrlin Isonicotinoyl hydrazones of pyridoxine derivatives: synthesis and antimycobacterial activity Medicinal Chemistry Research 2021 30(4) , 952-963
  2. Ruixin Guo, Xiaomeng Liu, Ce Tao, Changcheng Tang, Mingjun Xia, Lijuan Liu, Zheshuai Lin, and Xiaoyang Wang BaZnBe2(BO3)2F2: a novel zinc-beryllium borate with SBBO-type structure overcoming the polymorphism problem Dalton Trans. 2021 50(6) , 2138-2142
  3. Santana, Carlos L.,, Battle, Jessica D.,, Unruh, Daniel K.,, Groeneman, and Ryan H., Honeycomb molecular network based upon a hydrate of 4,6-dichlororesorcinol and the photoproduct rtct-tetrakis(pyridin-4-yl)cyclobutane Acta Cryst. C 2021 77(2) , 111-115
  4. Alain C. Tagne Kuate, Roger. A. Lalancette, Dirk Bockfeld, Matthias Tamm, and Frieder Jäkle Palladium(0) complexes of diferrocenylmercury diphosphines: synthesis, X-ray structure analyses, catalytic isomerization, and C–Cl bond activation Dalton Trans. 2021 50(13) , 4512-4518
  5. Ana R. K. Chatenever, Beatriz Ehlke, Pierre Le Maguerès, Eric W. Reinheimer, Xueling Song, Honghan Fei, and Scott R. J. Oliver Structural diversity of four lanthanide metal–organic frameworks based on 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylate: synthesis, structures and photoluminescent properties CrystEngComm 2021 23(6) , 1388-1397
  6. Reed, Carly R.,, Garner, Robert N.,, Brennessel, and William W., (4-Aminopyridine-[kappa]N1)(2,2'-bipyridine-[kappa]2N,N')(2,2':6',2''-terpyridine-[kappa]3N,N',N'')ruthenium(II) bis(hexafluoridophosphate) unknown solvate IUCrData 2021 6(3) ,
  7. Christoph Krebs, Solveig Thiele, Magdalena Ceglarska, and Christian Näther Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Properties of Ni(NCS)2-3-Cyanopyridine Coordination Compounds including a Ferromagnetic Layered Compound Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2021 647(22) , 2122-2129
  8. Masafumi Ueda, Mirai Kokubun, and Yasuhiro Mazaki Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of Triskelion-Shaped Fluorophores Bearing Coumarins with Nitrogen-Containing Donor Groups Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2021 94(12) , 2906-2913
  9. Bussing, Rolf,, Ott, Ingo,, Jones, and Peter G., Crystal structures of the gold NHC complex bis(4-bromo-1,3-diethylimidazol-2-ylidene)gold(I) iodide and its 1:1 adduct with trans-bis(4-bromo-1,3-diethyl-imidazol-2-ylidene)diiodidogold(III) iodide Acta Cryst. E 2021 77(12) , 1249-1252
  10. Sajjad Soltani, Kamran Akhbari, and Jonathan White Effect of structural features on the stability and bactericidal potential of two cadmium coordination polymers CrystEngComm 2021 23(42) , 7450-7461
  11. Sajjad Soltani, Kamran Akhbari, and Jonathan White Sonochemical Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Antimicrobial Property of One-dimensional Dinuclear Coordination Polymer Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2021 647(5) , 442-447
  12. Vincent L. Nadurata, Moya A. Hay, Jett T. Janetzki, Gemma K. Gransbury, and Colette Boskovic Rich redox-activity and solvatochromism in a family of heteroleptic cobalt complexes Dalton Trans. 2021 50(45) , 16631-16646
  13. Metwally, Nadia H.,, Elgemeie, Galal H.,, Jones, and Peter G., Crystal structure of 2-{[5-amino-1-(phenylsulfonyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]oxy}-1-(4-methylphenyl)ethan-1-one Acta Cryst. E 2021 77(10) , 1054-1057
  14. Ansis Maleckis, Iresha D. Herath, and Gottfried Otting Synthesis of 13C/19F/2H labeled indoles for use as tryptophan precursors for protein NMR spectroscopy Org. Biomol. Chem. 2021 19(23) , 5133-5147
  15. Xusheng Lin, Weiwei Xie, Qin Lin, Yuanting Cai, Yuhui Hua, Jianfeng Lin, Guomei He, and Jiangxi Chen NIR-responsive metal-containing polymer hydrogel for light-controlled microvalve Polym. Chem. 2021 12(23) , 3375-3382
  16. Alexandru Topor, Daniel Avram, Radu Dascalu, Catalin Maxim, Carmen Tiseanu, and Marius Andruh Luminescence thermometry based on one-dimensional benzoato-bridged coordination polymers containing lanthanide ions Dalton Trans. 2021 50(28) , 9881-9890
  17. Adrian, Rafael A.,, Ibarra, Sara J.,, Arman, and Hadi D., Bis(isonicotinamide-[kappa]N)silver(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate acetonitrile disolvate IUCrData 2021 6(10) , x211073
  18. Zeslawska, Ewa,, Szymanska, Ewa,, Nitek, Wojciech,, Handzlik, and Jadwiga, Crystallographic studies of piperazine derivatives of 3-methyl-5-spirofluorenehydantoin in search of structural features of P-gp inhibitors Acta Cryst. C 2021 77(8) , 467-478
  19. Amila M. Abeysekera, Boris B. Averkiev, Pierre Le Magueres, and Christer B. Aakeröy Intermolecular binding preferences of haloethynyl halogen-bond donors as a function of molecular electrostatic potentials in a family of N-(pyridin-2-yl)amides Org. Biomol. Chem. 2021 19(30) , 6671-6681
  20. Josiah G. D. Elsberg, Stephen N. Anderson, David L. Tierney, Eric W. Reinheimer, and Lisa M. Berreau Tris-(2-pyridylmethyl)amine-ligated Cu(ii) 1,3-diketonate complexes: anaerobic retro-Claisen and dehalogenation reactivity of 2-chloro-1,3-diketonate derivatives Dalton Trans. 2021 50(5) , 1712-1720
  21. Steven Flynn, Yiran Wang, Kent J. Griffith, and Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier The crystal structure of LiSc2SbO6 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2021 304, 122615
  22. J. Brahmi, S. Nasri, C. Briki, M. Guergueb, S. Najmudin, K. Aouadi, M.R. Sanderson, M. Winter, D. Cruickshank, and H. Nasri X-ray molecular structure characterization of a hexamethylenetetramine zinc(II) porphyrin complex, catalytic degradation of toluidine blue dye, experimental and statistical studies of adsorption isotherms Journal of Molecular Liquids 2021 341, 117394
  23. Pavel Arsenyan, Brigita Vigante, Karolis Leitonas, Dmytro Volyniuk, Viktorija Andruleviciene, Levani Skhirtladze, Sergey Belyakov, and Juozas Vidas Grazulevicius Dual versus normal TADF of pyridines ornamented with multiple donor moieties and their performance in OLEDs J. Mater. Chem. C 2021 9(11) , 3928-3938
  24. Wzgarda-Raj, Kinga,, Nawrot, Martyna,, Rybarczyk-Pirek, Agnieszka J.,, Palusiak, and Marcin, Ionic cocrystals of dithiobispyridines: the role of I...I halogen bonds in the building of iodine frameworks and the stabilization of crystal structures Acta Cryst. C 2021 77(8) , 458-466
  25. Yongxing Tang, Ziwei An, Ajay Kumar Chinnam, Richard J. Staples, and Jean'ne M. Shreeve Very thermostable energetic materials based on a fused-triazole: 3,6-diamino-1H-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-b][1,2,4]triazole New J. Chem. 2021 45(1) , 85-91
  26. Urszula Bąchor, Ewa Drozd-Szczygieł, Remigiusz Bąchor, Lucjan Jerzykiewicz, Robert Wieczorek, and Marcin Mączyński New water-soluble isoxazole-linked 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative with delocalized positive charge RSC Adv. 2021 11(47) , 29668-29674
  27. Sang Loon Tan, See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, A. Otero-de-la-Roza, and Edward R. T. Tiekink Experimental and computational evidence for a stabilising C–Cl(lone-pair)⋯π(chelate-ring) interaction CrystEngComm 2021 23(1) , 119-130
  28. Azzam, Rasha A.,, Elgemeie, Galal H.,, Seif, Mona M.,, Jones, and Peter G., Crystal structure of N'-[2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)acetyl]benzohydrazide, an achiral compound crystallizing in space group P1 with Z = 1 Acta Cryst. E 2021 77(9) , 891-894
  29. Irina V. Galkina, Dmitriy I. Bakhtiyarov, Luiza M. Usupova, Alexander V. Gerasimov, Marina P. Shulaeva, Oskar K. Pozdeev, Ahat V. Ilyasov, Daut R. Islamov, Konstantin S. Usachev, Yulia V. Bakhtiyarova, and Vladimir I. Galkin Antimicrobial activity of novel isothiuronium salts with 7-chloro-4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan-5-olate anion Mendeleev Communications 2021 31(3) , 365-367
  30. Abiodun A. Ajibola, Kyle A. Grice, Fouzia Perveen, Agnieszka Wojciechowska, Lesław Sieroń, and Waldemar Maniukiewicz Synthesis, crystal structures, Hirshfeld surface analysis, theoretical insight and molecular docking studies of dinuclear and triply bridged Cu(II) carboxylate complexes with 2,2′-bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline Polyhedron 2021 210, 115502
  31. Wojnarska, Joanna,, Gryl, Marlena,, Seidler, Tomasz,, Stadnicka, and Katarzyna Marta, Investigation of polar crystalline materials containing hydrochlorothiazide: electron density distribution and optical properties Acta Cryst. B 2021 77(6) , 965-973
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  1. Nitek, Wojciech,, Kania, Agnieszka,, Marona, Henryk,, Waszkielewicz, Anna M.,, Zeslawska, and Ewa, The conformational analyses of 2-amino-N-[2-(dimethylphenoxy)ethyl]propan-1-ol derivatives in different environments Acta Cryst. C 2020 76(7) , 681-689
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  3. Chien Ing Yeo, Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (μ2-1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene-κ2P,P′)-bis[(Z)N-(3-fluorophenyl)-O-methylthiocarbamato-S]digold(I) chloroform solvate, C50H42Au2F2FeN2O2P2S2, CHCl3 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1551-1553
  4. Adi Azoulay, Jesús Barrio, Jonathan Tzadikov, Michael Volokh, Josep Albero, Christel Gervais, Pilar Amo-Ochoa, Hermenegildo García, Félix Zamora, and Menny Shalom Synthesis of metal-free lightweight materials with sequence-encoded properties J. Mater. Chem. A 2020 8(17) , 8752-8760
  5. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly{(μ2-N1,N2-bis[(pyridin-4-yl)methyl]ethanediamide-κ2N:N′)-bis(O,O′-di-isopropyldithiophosphato-κ1S)zinc(II)} — acetonitrile (1/1), C26H42N4O6P2S4Zn⋅C2H3N Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 327-329
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  7. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (4-chloro-N-[(2-oxido-5-chlorophenyl)methylidene] benzene-carbohydrazonato-κ3N,O,O′)bis(2-fluorobenzyl)tin(IV), C28H20Cl2F2N2O2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 151-153
  8. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[(μ2-1,2-bis(3-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-κ2N:N′)-bis(O,O′-dimethyl dithiophosphato-κ2-S,S′)cadmium(II)], {C16H22CdN4O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 339-341
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  10. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[(μ2-pyrazine-N,N′)-bis(O,O′-di-isopropyldithiophosphato-S,S′)cadmium(II) acetonitrile di-solvate], [C16H32CdN2O4P2S4⋅2(C2H3N)]n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 323-325
  11. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of trans-dichloridobis(4-chlorophenyl-κC1)(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2N,N′)tin(IV) dimethylsulphoxide solvate, C26H22Cl4N2OSSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1327-1329
  12. Eyad A. Younes, Nour Hussein, Majed Shtaiwi, Farshid Shahrokhi, Kayed A. Abu Safieh, and Yuming Zhao N-(Cyano(naphthalen-1-yl)methyl)benzamides: synthesis, crystal structures, and colorimetric sensing of fluoride anions New J. Chem. 2020 44(38) , 16546-16556
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  15. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (dibenzyl sulphoxide-κO)dibromido-bis(4-bromobenzyl-κC)tin(IV), C28H26Br4OSSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 139-141
  16. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 2-[(1E)-{[1,3-dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-yl]iminiumyl}methyl]-5-(dodecyloxy)benzen-1-olate, C23H39NO5 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 101-103
  17. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichlorido-bis(4-methylphenyl-κC)-bis(triphenylarsine oxide-κO)tin(IV), C50H44As2Cl2O2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 183-185
  18. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena{di-aqua-sodium-[N-(hydroxyethyl), N-isopropyl-dithiocarbamato]}n, [C6H16NNaO2S2]n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1245-1247
  19. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichlorido-bis(dimethyl sulphoxide-κO)-bis(4-methylbenzyl-κC1)tin(IV), C20H30Cl2O2S2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1235-1237
  20. Poornasha K. Mohabeer, Bronte Carr, Muhammad Hanif, Christian Hartinger, Tatiana Groutso, Rebecca E. Jelley, Tilo Söhnel, and Allan G. Blackman Synthesis, structure and fluxionality of Co(III) complexes containing chelated sulfate Polyhedron 2020 176, 114303
  21. Patrick W. Doheny, Jack K. Clegg, Floriana Tuna, David Collison, Cameron J. Kepert, and Deanna M. D'Alessandro Quantification of the mixed-valence and intervalence charge transfer properties of a cofacial metal–organic framework via single crystal electronic absorption spectroscopy Chem. Sci. 2020 11(20) , 5213-5220
  22. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichloridobis(4-chlorophenyl-κC1)(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2N,N′)tin(IV), C24H16Cl4N2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(3) , 695-697
  23. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-[(μ2-pyrazine-κ2N:N′)-bis(O,O′-di-ethyldithiophosphato-κ2S,S′)cadmium(II)], {C12H24CdN2O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 319-321
  24. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis{(N-[(5-chloro-2-oxidophenyl)methylidene]-2-hydroxybenzenecarbohydrazonato)-dioxo-molybdenum(VI)}(μ2-4,4′-bipyridine), C38H26Cl2Mo2N6O10 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 189-191
  25. Chang Wang, Tao Bai, and Zhaod-Di Liu The crystal structure of ethyl 5-(4-(diphenylamino)phenyl)thiophene-2-carboxylate, C25H21NO2S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(3) , 519-520
  26. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichlorido-bis(tri-4-tolylphosphane oxide-κO)-di(4-chlorophenyl-κC)tin(IV), C54H50Cl4O2P2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1523-1525
  27. Alsafi, Mona A.,, Hughes, David L.,, Said, and Musa A., First COVID-19 molecular docking with a chalcone-based compound: synthesis, single-crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis study Acta Cryst. C 2020 76(12) , 1043-1050
  28. Anstey, Mitchell R.,, Bost, John L.,, Grumman, Anna S.,, Kennedy, Nicholas D.,, Whited, and Matthew T., Crystal structures of trans-acetyldicarbonyl([eta]5-cyclopentadienyl)(1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane)molybdenum(II) and trans-acetyldicarbonyl([eta]5-cyclopentadienyl)(3,7-diacetyl-1,3,7-triaza-5-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane)molybdenum(II) Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(4) , 547-551
  29. Alexander Golubev, Bulat Fatkhullin, Azat Gabdulkhakov, Aydar Bikmullin, Liliya Nurullina, Natalia Garaeva, Daut Islamov, Evelina Klochkova, Vladimir Klochkov, Albert Aganov, Iskander Khusainov, Shamil Validov, Gulnara Yusupova, Marat Yusupov, and Konstantin Usachev NMR and crystallographic structural studies of the Elongation factor P from Staphylococcus aureus European Biophysics Journal 2020 49(3) , 223-230
  30. Muhammad Sirajuddin, Bibi Hanifa, Sharif Ullah, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-[(3-methoxyphenyl)carbamoyl]butanoic acid, C12H15NO4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1519-1521
  31. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-[(bis(O,O′-diethyl dithiophosphato-S,S′)-μ2-1,2-bis(3-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-N,N′)zinc(II)], {C20H30N4O4P2S4Zn}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 297-299
  32. Pavels Dimitrijevs, Ilona Domracheva, and Pavel Arsenyan Improved method for the preparation of nonyl acridine orange analogues and utilization in detection of cardiolipin New J. Chem. 2020 44(23) , 9626-9633
  33. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 8-hydroxy-2-methylquinolin-1-ium chloride dihydrate, C10H14ClNO3 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 135-137
  34. Jevgenijs Kuznecovs, Vladislavs Baskevics, Natalja Orlova, Sergey Belyakov, Ilona Domračeva, Maksims Vorona, and Grigory Veinberg Synthesis of a Fluorinated Derivative of Sigma-1 Receptor Modulator E1R: 2-[5-oxo-3-phenyl-2-(trifluoromethyl)pyrrolidin-1-yl]Acetamide Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 2020 56(10) , 1297-1301
  35. Bibi Hanifa, Muhammad Sirajuddin, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-[(4-methoxy-2-nitrophenyl)carbamoyl]butanoic acid, C12H14N2O6 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1435-1437
  36. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (N,N-dimethylsulphoxide)-[N-(3-ethoxy-2-(oxide)benzylidene)-3-methoxybenzenecarbohydrazonato-κ3N,O,O′]-dioxo-molybdenum(VI), C19H22MoN2O7S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1231-1233
  37. Wen-Bin Chen, Li Zhong, Yun-Jing Zhong, Yi-Quan Zhang, Song Gao, and Wen Dong Understanding the near-infrared fluorescence and field-induced single-molecule-magnetic properties of dinuclear and one-dimensional-chain ytterbium complexes based on 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid Inorg. Chem. Front. 2020 7(17) , 3136-3145
  38. Noriko Ogawa, Hiromasa Nagase, Takashi Matsumoto, Mayumi Kaga, Shintaro Ishihara, Tomohiro Endo, Toshiya Yasunaga, Yoshiaki Kawashima, Haruhisa Ueda, and Hiromitsu Yamamoto Crystallographic evaluation of the conformation of quetiapine included in β-cyclodextrin International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2020 587, 119625
  39. Sitong Chen, Yunhe Jin, Honglei Xia, Kangcai Wang, Yuji Liu, and Qinghua Zhang Synthesis of fused tetrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazine-based energetic compounds Energetic Materials Frontiers 2020 1(1) , 16-25
  40. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of di-μ-nicotinato-κ2N:O; κ2O:N-bis-[aqua-bis(benzyl)(nicotinato-κ2O,O′)tin(IV)], C52H48N4O10Sn2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1311-1313
  41. Fatemeh Salami, and Yuming Zhao Synthesis and characterization of bis(dithiafulvenyl)-substituted fluorenones and fluorenylidene-1,3-dithioles New J. Chem. 2020 44(22) , 9179-9189
  42. Le Magueres, Pierre,, Ferrara, Joseph,, Del Campo, Mark,, Meyer, Mathias,, Kanda, Hiroyuki,, Satow, Takashi,, Stec, and Przemyslaw, The Rigaku HyPix-Arc 150: the first curved photon-counting detector Acta Cryst. A 2020 76(a1) , a31
  43. Ruslan Shekurov, Mikhail Khrizanforov, Daut Islamov, Tatiana Gerasimova, Almaz Zagidullin, Yulia Budnikova, and Vasili Miluykov Synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemical properties of poly(cadmium 1,1′-ferrocenediyl-bis(H-phosphinate)) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2020 914, 121233
  44. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[tri(4-chlorophenyl)-(μ2-hydroxido)tin(IV)] – 2-propanol (1/1), C21H21Cl3O2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 159-161
  45. Weiwei Luo, Zhicheng Sun, E. H. Nisala Fernando, Vladimir N. Nesterov, Thomas R. Cundari, and Hong Wang Formal oxo- and aza-[3 + 2] reactions of α-enaminones and quinones: a double divergent process and the roles of chiral phosphoric acid and molecular sieves Chem. Sci. 2020 11(35) , 9386-9394
  46. Tan, Sang Loon,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of the 1:2 co-crystal formed between N,N'-bis[(pyridin-4-yl)methyl]ethanediamide and 3-chlorobenzoic acid Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(6) , 870-876
  47. Rebekah N. Duffin, Victoria L. Blair, Lukasz Kedzierski, and Philip C. Andrews Anti-leishmanial activity and cytotoxicity of a series of tris-aryl Sb(V) mandelate cyclometallate complexes Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2020 203, 110932
  48. Paresh Debnath, Keisham Surjit Singh, Khaidem Kennedy Singh, S. Sureshkumar Singh, Lesław Sieroń, and Waldemar Maniukiewicz Di-butyltin(iv) complexes with azo-carboxylates: synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and their anti-diabetic assay New J. Chem. 2020 44(15) , 5862-5872
  49. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bromido-dimethyl-4-tolyl-(triphenylphosphine oxide)tin(IV), C27H28BrOPSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 163-165
  50. Jianfeng Lin, Qiannan Xu, Xinlei Lin, Yuhui Hua, Dafa Chen, Yonghong Ruan, Hong Zhang, and Haiping Xia The First OCCCO Pentadentate Chelates: Osmium Mediated Stepwise Oxidations of Terminal Alkynes by Pyridine N-Oxide Chin. J. Chem. 2020 38(11) , 1273-1279
  51. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of a low-temperature (100 K) polymorph of catena-poly[(μ2-4,4′-bipyridine-κ2N,N′)-bis(O,O′-diethyldithiophosphato-κ1S)zinc(II)], C18H28N2O4P2S4Zn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 233-237
  52. Natal’ya Davletshina, Albina Khabibullina, Julia Ushakova, Rustam Davletshin, Daut Islamov, Konstantin Usachev, and Rafael Cherkasov FTIR spectroscopic analyses of the pentyl {[benzyl(dibutyl)ammonio]methyl}phosphonate copper(II) complex Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2020 916, 121267
  53. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena{(μ2-1,10-phenanthroline-κ4N,N,N′,N′)-(μ2-1,10-phenanthroline-κ3N,N,N′)potassium(I) {[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)iminiumyl](sulfanidyl)methyl}sulfanide hemi(1,10-phenanthroline)}, {C24H16KN4, 0.5(C12H8N2), C5H10NO2S2} Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1395-1397
  54. Farshid Shahrokhi, Roxana Fazli Estabragh, and Yuming Zhao Synthesis and comparative studies of K-region functionalized pyrene derivatives New J. Chem. 2020 44(39) , 16786-16794
  55. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-[(bis(O,O′-diethyl dithiophosphato-S,S′)-μ2-1,2-bis(4-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-N,N′)cadmium(II)], {C20H30CdN4O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 335-337
  56. Linda Kinena, and Vita Ozola Tetrahydroisoquinoline-Based Non-Peptidomimetic Plasmepsin Inhibitors Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 2020 56(1) , 60-66
  57. Ahmed Adeyemi, Luke R. Odell, and Mats Larhed Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Allylic Spiroethers (Spirobenzofuranes) via an Intramolecular Mizoroki–Heck Reaction The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020 85(12) , 7648-7657
  58. Alla Petrenko, Oleksandr Bezvikonnyi, Dmytro Volyniuk, Yan Danyliv, Jurate Simokaitiene, Sergey Belyakov, Juozas Vidas Grazulevicius, and Pavel Arsenyan Synthesis of fused chalcogenophenocarbazoles: towards dual emission resulting from hybridized local and charge-transfer states New J. Chem. 2020 44(10) , 3903-3911
  59. Ventura, Dominic L.,, Brennessel, William W.,, Durfee, and William S., Crystal structures of {1,1,1-tris[(salicylaldimino)methyl]ethane}gallium as both a pyridine solvate and an acetonitrile 0.75-solvate and {1,1,1-tris[(salicylaldimino)methyl]ethane}indium dichloromethane solvate Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(5) , 615-620
  60. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[{μ2-1,5-bis(diphenylphosphanyl)pentane-κ2P:P′}dichloridocadmium(II)], C29H30CdCl2P2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 271-273
  61. Chien Ing Yeo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of tetrakis (N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-isopropylcarbamodithioato-κS,S′)-(μ2(2-(pyridin-4-yl)vinyl)pyridine-κN,N′)dicadmium(II), C36H58Cd2N6O4S8 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1453-1456
  62. Bibi Hanifa, Muhammad Sirajuddin, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoyl]butanoic acid, C11H11Cl2NO3 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1495-1497
  63. Paresh Debnath, Keisham Surjit Singh, Thokchom Sonia Devi, S.Sureshkumar Singh, Ray J. Butcher, Lesław Sieroń, and Waldemar Maniukiewicz Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures and anti-diabetic activity of organotin (IV) complexes with 2-(4-hydroxynaphthylazo)-benzoic acid Inorganica Chimica Acta 2020 510, 119736
  64. Elena M. Kirilova, Irena D. Nikolaeva, Evita Romanovska, Aleksandrs I. Pučkins, and Sergey V. Belyakov The synthesis of novel heterocyclic 3-acetamide derivatives of benzanthrone Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 2020 56(2) , 192-198
  65. Ali A. El-Emam, Elangovan Saveeth Kumar, Krishnakumar Janani, Lamya H. Al-Wahaibi, Olivier Blacque, Mohamed I. El-Awady, Nora H. Al-Shaalan, M. Judith Percino, and Subbiah Thamotharan Quantitative assessment of the nature of noncovalent interactions in N-substituted-5-(adamantan-1-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amines: insights from crystallographic and QTAIM analysis RSC Adv. 2020 10(17) , 9840-9853
  66. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-{[tri-aqua-di-sodium bis(2-{[n-butyl(methyl)carbamothioyl]sulfanyl}acetate)]}n, [C16H34N2Na2O7S4]n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 91-94
  67. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of ethane-1,2-diylbis(diphenylphosphine oxide) – dihydrogenperoxide (1/2), C26H28O6P2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1511-1513
  68. Aziza Sarwar, Siti Munirah Saharin, Hadariah Bahron, and Yatimah Alias Synthesis, structures, luminescence and thermal stability of Visible/NIR emitting binuclear azomethine-Zn(II) complexes Journal of Luminescence 2020 223, 117227
  69. Janusz Szklarzewicz, Anna Jurowska, Maciej Hodorowicz, Ryszard Gryboś, Krzysztof Kruczała, Monika Głuch-Lutwin, and Grzegorz Kazek Vanadium complexes with salicylaldehyde-based Schiff base ligands—structure, properties and biological activity Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2020 73(6) , 986-1008
  70. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichlorido-octamethyl-bis(μ3-oxido)-bis(μ2-2-(phenylamino)ethanolato-κ2O:O)tetratin(IV), C24H44Cl2N2O4Sn4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 193-195
  71. Tan, Sang Loon,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., 2-[Carbamothioyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl benzoate: crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(6) , 933-939
  72. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[(bis(O,O′-diethyl dithiophosphato-κ2S,S′)-μ2-1,2-bis(3-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-κ2N:N′)cadmium(II)], {C20H30CdN4O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 343-345
  73. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis(acetylacetonato-κ2O,O′)-(ethanolamine-κ2N,O)copper(II), C14H25CuNO5 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 207-209
  74. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 2-(pyridin-2-ylamino)pyridinium chloride dibenzyldichlorostannane, [C10H10N3]Cl, C14H14Cl2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1515-1517
  75. Lamya H. Al-Wahaibi, Kushumita Chakraborty, Nora H. Al-Shaalan, Mohamed Yehya Annavi Syed Majeed, Olivier Blacque, Aamal A. Al-Mutairi, Ali A. El-Emam, M. Judith Percino, and Subbiah Thamotharan Quantitative analysis of hydrogen and chalcogen bonds in two pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile derivatives, potential DHFR inhibitors: an integrated crystallographic and theoretical study RSC Adv. 2020 10(60) , 36806-36817
  76. Qiong Yu, Richard J. Staples, and Jean'ne M. Shreeve An Azo-bridged Triazole Derived from Tetrazine Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2020 646(22) , 1799-1804
  77. Galina. B. Guseva, Elena V. Antina, Mikhail B. Berezin, Roman S. Pavelyev, Airat R. Kayumov, Irshad S. Sharafutdinov, Svetlana А. Lisovskaya, Olga A. Lodochnikova, Daut R. Islamov, Konstantin S. Usachev, Sergei V. Boichuk, and Liliya E. Nikitina Meso-substituted-BODIPY based fluorescent biomarker: Spectral characteristics, photostability and possibilities for practical application Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2020 401, 112783
  78. Chien Ing Yeo, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis[μ2-(N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methylcarbamodithioato-κS:κS,κS′)]-bis(triethylphosphine-P)-di-silver(I), C20H46Ag2N2O2P2S4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1373-1376
  79. Karla R. Sanchez-Lievanos, Mehrin Tariq, William W. Brennessel, and Kathryn E. Knowles Heterometallic trinuclear oxo-centered clusters as single-source precursors for synthesis of stoichiometric monodisperse transition metal ferrite nanocrystals Dalton Trans. 2020 49(45) , 16348-16358
  80. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of chlorido(2-methylquinolin-8-olato-κ2N,O)-bis(4-tolyl-κC)tin(IV), C24H22ClNOSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1531-1533
  81. D. M. M. Mevan Dissanayake, Brittney E. Petel, William W. Brennessel, Kara L. Bren, and Ellen M. Matson Hydrogen bonding promotes diversity in nitrite coordination modes at a single iron(II) center Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2020 73(17-19) , 2664-2676
  82. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink A redetermination of the crystal structure of catena-poly[(bis(O,O′-isopropyl dithiophosphato-κ2S,S′)-(μ2-1,2-bis(3-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-κ2N,N′)cadmium(II)], {C24H38CdN4O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 253-255
  83. Bernier, Chad M.,, DuChane, Christine M.,, Merola, and Joseph S., Crystal structures of ([eta]4-cycloocta-1,5-diene)bis(1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene)iridium(I) iodide and ([eta]4-cycloocta-1,5-diene)bis(1,3-diethylimidazol-2-ylidene)iridium(I) iodide Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(5) , 611-614
  84. Sicheng Liao, Zhiyu Zhou, Kangcai Wang, Yunhe Jin, Jin Luo, and Tianlin Liu Synthesis of 5/6/5-fused tricyclic-cation-based cyclo-N5− salt with high density and heat of formation Energetic Materials Frontiers 2020 1(3) , 172-177
  85. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4,4′-(oxybis(methylene))bis(bromobenzene), C14H12Br2O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1227-1229
  86. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bromido-tri(4-chlorophenyl-κ1C)-(ethanol-κ1O)tin(IV) — 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine (2/1), C52H48Br2Cl6N2O2Sn2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 143-145
  87. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis{bromido-triphenyltin(IV)}(μ2-[4,4′-bipyridine]1,1′-dioxide-κ2O:O′), C46H38Br2N2O2Sn2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(3) , 699-701
  88. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Low temperature redetermination of the crystal structure of catena-poly[[tri-4-fluorobenzyltin(IV)]μ2-pyridine-4-carboxylato-κ2N:O], {C27H22F3NO2Sn}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 493-496
  89. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bromido-triphenyl-(triphenylarsine oxide-κO)tin(IV), C36H30AsBrOSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(4) , 981-983
  90. Krukle-Berzina, Kristine,, Belyakov, Sergey,, Mishnev, Anatoly,, Shubin, and Kirill, Crystal structure of a two-dimensional metal-organic framework assembled from lithium(I) and [gamma]-cyclodextrin Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(3) , 349-353
  91. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of chlorido-[(N,N-di-isobutyl)dithiocarbamato-κ2S,S′]-di(4-methylbenzyl-κC)tin(IV), C25H36ClNS2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1399-1401
  92. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (4-fluorobenzyl-κC)(bis(2-hydroxyethyl) carbamodithioato-κ2S,S′)(2,2′-imino-diethanolato-κ3N,O,O′)tin(IV), C16H25FN2O4S2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 403-405
  93. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of hexanedihydrazide, C6H14N4O2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1257-1258
  94. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink The pseudosymmetric low temperature polymorph of catena-poly[(μ2-4,4′-bipyridyl-κN,N′)-bis(O,O′-diethyldithiophosphato-κS)-cadmium(II)], {C18H28CdN2O4P2S4}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 239-242
  95. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of chloridotris(4-chlorophenyl)(dimethyl sulfoxide-κO)tin(IV), C20H18Cl4OSSn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1241-1243
  96. Sajjad Soltani, Kamran Akhbari, and Jonathan White Synthesis, crystal structure and antibacterial activity of a homonuclear nickel(II) metal-organic nano supramolecular architecture Polyhedron 2020 176, 114301
  97. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Redetermination of the crystal structure of N′-(3-ethoxy-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-4-fluorobenzohydrazide monohydrate, C16H17FN2O4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(2) , 259-261
  98. Farah Natasha Haezam, Normah Awang, Nurul Farahana Kamaludin, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dimethylbis(diisopropyldithiocarbamato-κ2S,S′)tin(IV), C16H34N2S4Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(3) , 675-677
  99. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of chlorido-diphenyl-(isopropyl(propyl)carbamodithioato-κ2S,S′)tin(IV), C19H24ClNS2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(1) , 211-214
  100. Bibi Hanifa, Muhammad Sirajuddin, Hizbullah Khan, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-[(2-methoxyphenyl)carbamoyl]butanoic acid, C12H15NO4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1481-1483
  101. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (2Z)-2-amino-3-[(E)-[(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methylidene]-amino]but-2-enedinitrile, C11H8N4O2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1499-1501
  102. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 2,2,4,4,6,6-hexakis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,3,5,2,4,6-trithiatristanninane, C36H24Cl6S3Sn3 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(5) , 1249-1251
  103. Maciej Hodorowicz, Janusz Szklarzewicz, and Anna Jurowska The versatility of lithium cation coordination modes in salts with [W(CN)6(bpy)]2− anions CrystEngComm 2020 22(23) , 3991-3998
  104. Tan, Sang Loon,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., 2,2'-(Disulfanediyl)dibenzoic acid N,N-dimethylformamide monosolvate: crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study Acta Cryst. E 2020 76(7) , 1150-1157
  105. Malecka, Magdalena,, Kusz, Joachim,, Eriksson, Lars,, Adamus-Grabicka, Angelika,, Budzisz, and Elzbieta, The relationship between Hirshfeld potential and cytotoxic activity: a study along a series of flavonoid and chromanone derivatives Acta Cryst. C 2020 76(8) , 723-733
  106. Marianta Strinoiu, Mihai Răducă, and Augustin M. Mădălan Zinc(II) mononuclear complexes with Schiff base derivatives of 2-aminofluorene. Synthesis, structural characterization, and optical properties Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2020 73(17-19) , 2786-2800
  107. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dichloridodimethylbis(tri-4-tolylphosphane oxide-κO)-tin(IV), C44H48Cl2O2P2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2020 235(6) , 1527-1529

  1. Asegbeloyin, Jonnie N.,, Ifeanyieze, Kenechukwu J.,, Okpareke, Obinna C.,, Oyeka, Ebube E.,, Groutso, and Tatiana V., Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a new dithioglycoluril: 1,4-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-3a-methyltetrahydroimidazo[4,5-d]imidazole-2,5(1H,3H)-dithione Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(9) , 1297-1300
  2. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly[(μ2-4,4′-bipyridyl-κN,N′)-bis(O,O′-dimethyldithiophosphato-κS)-zinc(II)], {C14H20N2O4P2S4Zn}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 743-745
  3. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of chlorido-dimethyl-(phenylpiperazine-1-carbodithioato-κ2S,S′)tin(IV), C13H19ClN2S2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1309-1311
  4. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of N-methyl-N-phenyl(methylsulfanyl)carbothioamide, C9H11NS2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1325-1327
  5. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of the co-crystal N,N′-bis(4-pyridylmethyl)oxalamide and 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-di-iodobenzene (1/1), C14H14N4O2⋅C6F4I2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1117-1119
  6. Michal Gacki, Karolina Kafarska, and Wojciech M. Wolf A supramolecular polymeric chain in the cobalt(II) complex with diclofenac: synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic, thermal and antioxidant activity Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2019 72(22-24) , 3481-3494
  7. Chettri, Sailesh,, Brahman, Dhiraj,, Sinha, Biswajit,, Jotani, Mukesh M.,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., Bis[2-(4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-4-nitrophenolato]copper(II) dihydrate: crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(11) , 1664-1671
  8. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, Peter J. Heard, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of fac-tricarbonyl-morpholine-κN-(morpholinocarbamodithioato-κ2S,S′)rhenium(I), C12H17N2O5ReS2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1129-1132
  9. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R. T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (cyclohexane-1,4-diammonium) 4-[(4-carboxylatophenyl)disulfanyl]benzoate dimethylsulphoxide hydrate (1/1/1/1), [C6H16N2]2+[C14H8O4S2]2−⋅C2H6OS⋅H2O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1301-1304
  10. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of the co-crystal 2-[(2-carboxyphenyl)disulfanyl]benzoic acid – 3-chlorobenzoic acid (2/1), C35H25ClO10S4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(3) , 433-436
  11. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, Peter J. Heard, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of hexacarbonyl-bis(μ2-di-n-propyldithiocarbamato-κ3S,S′:S;κ3S:S:S′)-di-rhenium(I), C20H28N2O6Re2S4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1125-1127
  12. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (2,2′-bipyridyl)bis(4-bromobenzyl)dibromidotin(IV), C24H20Br4N2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1317-1319
  13. Carol Hua, Hui Min Tay, Qilin He, and T. David Harris A Series of Early Lanthanide Chloranilate Frameworks with a Square Grid Topology Aust. J. Chem. 2019 72(10) , 778-785
  14. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of tetrakis(O,O′-diisopropyldithiophosphato-κ2S,S′)-(μ2-1,2-bis(4-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-κ2N:N′)zinc(II), C36H66N4O8P4S8Zn2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 827-829
  15. Catalin Maxim, Dorian Muntean, and Marius Andruh On the role played by the chirality of ligands on the aggregation of heterometallic CuII-HgII complexes Chirality 2019 31(9) , 621-627
  16. Al-Wahaibi, Lamya H.,, Alsfouk, Aisha,, El-Emam, Ali A.,, Blacque, and Olivier, Crystal structures and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-(adamantan-1-yl)-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole and 2-(adamantan-1-yl)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(5) , 611-615
  17. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-poly{[μ2-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]dichloridocadmium(II)}, C26H24CdCl2P2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1105-1107
  18. Mohamad Zarif Mohd Zubir, Nazzatush Shimar Jamaludin, and Siti Nadiah Abdul Halim Hirshfeld surface analysis of some new heteroleptic Copper(I) complexes Journal of Molecular Structure 2019 1193, 141-150
  19. Chien Ing Yeo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-phenyl-2,4-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione, C8H7N3S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 819-820
  20. William D.J. Tremlett, Kelvin K.H. Tong, Tasha R. Steel, Sanam Movassaghi, Muhammad Hanif, Stephen M.F. Jamieson, Tilo Söhnel, and Christian G. Hartinger Hydroxyquinoline-derived anticancer organometallics: Introduction of amphiphilic PTA as an ancillary ligand increases their aqueous solubility Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2019 199, 110768
  21. Tan, Sang Loon,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., A 1:2 co-crystal of 2,2'-dithiodibenzoic acid and benzoic acid: crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(1) , 1-7
  22. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of the 1:2 co-crystal between N,N′-bis(4-pyridylmethyl)oxalamide and acetic acid as a dihydrate, C14H14N4O2⋅2 C2H4O2⋅2 H2O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1109-1111
  23. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of cyclohexane-1,4-diammonium 2-[(2-carboxylatophenyl)disulfanyl]benzoate — dimethylformamide — monohydrate (1/1/1), [C6H16N2][C14H8O4S2] ⋅ C3H7NO⋅H2O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 903-905
  24. Chien Ing Yeo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-[methyl(phenyl)amino]thiourea, C14H14ClN3S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 989-990
  25. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of the 2:1 co-crystal 2-[(2-carboxyphenyl)disulfanyl]benzoic acid – 3-bromobenzoic acid, 2(C14H10O4S2)⋅C7H5BrO2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1305-1308
  26. Breton, Gary W.,, Hahn, Lauren A.,, Martin, and Kenneth L., Structural verification of a tetrahydrotetrazole compound Acta Cryst. C 2019 75(9) , 1208-1212
  27. Abed Yousefi, Seyyed Javad Sabounchei, Seyed Hamed Moazzami Farida, Roya Karamian, Nosrat Rahmani, and Robert W. Gable Different properties of P,C-donor Pd(II) and Pt(II); spectroscopic and X-ray analysis, catalytic potential and anti-proliferative potency Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2019 890, 21-31
  28. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of hemikis(cyclohexane-1,4-diammonium) (pyridine-2-carboxylate), [C6H16N2]0.5[C6H4NO2] Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 749-751
  29. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 2-(4-ammoniocyclohexyl)-3-(pyridin-2-yl)imidazo[1,5-a]pyridin-2-ium 2-[(2-carboxylatophenyl)disulfanyl]benzoate dihydrate, [C18H22N4][C14H8O4S2] ⋅ 2H2O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 797-799
  30. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (2,2′-bipyridyl)bis(4-chlorobenzyl)dichloridotin(IV), C24H20Cl4N2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1321-1323
  31. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of dibromidobis(4-bromobenzyl)tin(IV), C14H12Br4Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 947-948
  32. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Redetermination of the crystal structure of tetrakis(4-chlorobenzyl)tin(IV), C28H24Cl4Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 777-778
  33. Zhi-Yong Yin, Yan Dai, Pei Hua, Zhe-Jun Sun, Yan-Fang Cheng, Sheng-Heng Yuan, Zi-Yang Chen, and Qiong Gu Discovery of diverse diterpenoid scaffolds from Euphorbia antiquorum and their activity against RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis Bioorganic Chemistry 2019 92, 103292
  34. Neal, Henry C.,, Tamtam, Harsha,, Smucker, Bradley W.,, Nesterov, and Volodymyr V., Redetermination of poly[di-[mu]3-iodido-[[mu]-1,2-trans-(pyridin-4-yl)ethene-[kappa]2N:N']dicopper(I)] IUCrData 2019 4(1) , x190122
  35. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, Nordiyana Binti Zaldi, Rusnah Syahila Duali Hussen, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-{di-aqua-sodium [n-butyl(methyl)carbamothioyl]sulfanide}n, [C6H16NNaO2S2]n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1333-1335
  36. Haezam, Farah Natasha,, Awang, Normah,, Kamaludin, Nurul Farahana,, Jotani, Mukesh M.,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., (N,N-Diisopropyldithiocarbamato)triphenyltin(IV): crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(10) , 1479-1485
  37. Tan, Sang Loon,, Tiekink, and Edward R. T., A 1:1:1 co-crystal solvate comprising 2,2'-dithiodibenzoic acid, 2-chlorobenzoic acid and N,N-dimethylformamide: crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(4) , 475-481
  38. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of catena-{poly[bis(O,O′-diethyldithiophosphato-S)-(μ2-1,2-bis(4-pyridylmethylene)hydrazine-N,N′)-zinc(II)] di-acetonitrile solvate}, {C20H30N4O4P2S4Zn ⋅ 2 C2H3N}n Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 895-897
  39. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, Peter J. Heard, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Redetermination of the crystal structure of bis(μ2-di-ethyldithiocarbamato-κ3S,S′:S;κ3S:S: S′)-hexacarbonyl-di-rhenium(I), C16H20N2O6Re2S4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 719-721
  40. Ahmad Junaid, Yee Seng Tan, Edward R. T. Tiekink, and Anton V. Dolzhenko A one-pot synthesis of N2,6-diaryl-5,6-dihydro-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamines and systematic evaluation of their ability to host ethanol in crystals RSC Adv. 2019 9(64) , 37660-37667
  41. Yee Seng Tan, Hao Zhe Chun, Mukesh M. Jotani, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Steric control of supramolecular association in structures of Zn(S2COR)2 with N,N′-bis(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)oxalamide Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 2019 234(3) , 165-175
  42. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis(di-n-butylammonium) tetrachloridodiphenylstannate(IV), C28H50Cl4N2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 889-891
  43. Lin Yuing Tan, Felicia Phei Lin Lim, Anton V. Dolzhenko, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 3-(5-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)-1-(piperidin-1-yl)propan-1-one, C10H17N5O Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(4) , 761-763
  44. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (2-([1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-oxyethyl]iminomethyl)-5-(n-decyl)phenolato)-dimethyl-tin(IV), C23H39NO5Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1337-1340
  45. Brennessel, William W.,, Kucera, Benjamin E.,, Young, Victor G., Jr, Ellis, and John E., Crystal structures and spectroscopic characterization of MBr2(CNXyl)n (M = Fe and Co, n = 4; M = Ni, n = 2; Xyl = 2,6-dimethylphenyl), and of formally zero-valent iron as a cocrystal of Fe(CNXyl)5 and Fe2(CNXyl)9 Acta Cryst. C 2019 75(8) , 1118-1127
  46. Nicholls, Daniel,, Elleman, Carole,, Shankland, Norman,, Shankland, and Kenneth, A new crystalline form of [alpha][beta]-d-lactose prepared by oven drying a concentrated aqueous solution of d-lactose Acta Cryst. C 2019 75(7) , 904-909
  47. Juan Kang, Yongli Wang, Yifu Chen, Xin Huang, Qiuxiang Yin, Na Wang, and Hongxun Hao Coordination-induced conformation diversity for pharmaceutical polymorph control CrystEngComm 2019 21(43) , 6585-6590
  48. Kong Mun Lo, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 4-phenylpiperazin-1-ium (4-phenylpiperazin-1-yl)carbothioylsulfanide, [C10H15N2][C11H13N2S2] Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1329-1331
  49. Marta Szumilak, Anna Lichota, Andrzej Olczak, Małgorzata Szczesio, and Andrzej Stańczak Molecular insight into quinazoline derivatives with cytotoxic activity Journal of Molecular Structure 2019 1194, 28-34
  50. Girigiri, Patience B.,, Carpenter, Stephanie H.,, Brennessel, William W.,, Neidig, and Michael L., Crystal structure of bromidopentakis(tetrahydrofuran-[kappa]O)magnesium bis[1,2-bis(diphenylphosphanyl)benzene-[kappa]2P,P']cobaltate(-1) tetrahydrofuran disolvate Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(2) , 304-307
  51. Sang Loon Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of the co-crystal N,N′-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)oxalamide acetic acid (1/2), C14H14N4O2⋅2C2H4O2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 1113-1116
  52. See Mun Lee, Kong Mun Lo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (N-n-butyl, N-methyl-dithiocarbamato-κ2 S,S′)-chlorido-dimethyl-tin(IV), C8H18ClNS2Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(6) , 1313-1315
  53. Chien Ing Yeo, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of 3-[methyl(phenyl)amino]-1-phenylthiourea, C14H15N3S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2019 234(5) , 987-988
  54. Michał Gacki, Karolina Kafarska, Anna Pietrzak, Izabela Korona-Glowniak, and Wojciech M. Wolf Synthesis, characterisation, crystal structure and biological activity of metal(II) complexes with theophylline Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 2019 23(3) , 346-354
  55. Soichi Yokoyama, Akitaka Ito, Haruyasu Asahara, and Nagatoshi Nishiwaki Anion-Capture-Induced Fluorescence Enhancement of Bis(cyanostyryl)pyrrole Based on Restricted Access to a Conical Intersection Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2019 92(11) , 1807-1815
  56. Arif Tawfeeq, Nabeel,, Kwong, Huey Chong,, Mohamed Tahir, Mohamed Ibrahim,, Ravoof, and Thahira B. S. A., Crystal structure of benzyl N'-[(1E,4E)-1,5-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)penta-1,4-dien-3-ylidene]hydrazine-1-carbodithioate Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(11) , 1613-1619
  57. Gemma K. Gransbury, Marie-Emmanuelle Boulon, Richard A. Mole, Robert W. Gable, Boujemaa Moubaraki, Keith S. Murray, Lorenzo Sorace, Alessandro Soncini, and Colette Boskovic Single-ion anisotropy and exchange coupling in cobalt(ii)-radical complexes: insights from magnetic and ab initio studies Chem. Sci. 2019 10(38) , 8855-8871
  58. Rajesh, Rajagopal,, Sella, E. S.,, Blacque, Olivier,, Rajesh, and Kunjanpillai, Crystal structure of a new 2,6-bis(imino)pyridine derivative: (1E,1'E)-1,1'-(pyridine-2,6-diyl)bis[N-(4-chlorophenyl)ethan-1-imine] Acta Cryst. E 2019 75(2) , 115-118

  1. Angela Bell-Taylor, John D. Gorden, Emily E. Hardy, and Christian R. Goldsmith A spin-crossover Co(II) complex catalyzes the activation of sp3 C–H bonds by two-electron oxidants Inorganica Chimica Acta 2018 482, 206-212
  2. Pietrzak, Anna,, Modranka, Jakub,, Wojciechowski, Jakub,, Janecki, Tomasz,, Wolf, and Wojciech M., Supramolecular architecture in azaheterocyclic phosphonates. III. Structures of an ethyl phosphonamidate and an ethyl phosphonateFor part II, see Pietrzak et al. (2018b) and for part I, see Pietrzak et al. (2018a). Acta Cryst. C 2018 74(8) , 907-916
  3. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis(μ-N-i-propyl-N-n-propyldithiocarbamato-κ2S:S′) bis(N-i-propyl-N-n-propyldithiocarbamato-κ2S,S′)dizinc(II), C28H56N4S8Zn2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2018 233(3) , 477-479
  4. Bruce J. Pella, Jens Niklas, Oleg G. Poluektov, and Anusree Mukherjee Effects of denticity and ligand rigidity on reactivity of copper complexes with cumyl hydroperoxide Inorganica Chimica Acta 2018 483, 71-78
  5. Le Magueres, Pierre,, Reinheimer, Eric W.,, Meyer, Mathias,, Jones, Adrian,, Kucharczyk, and Damian, The Rigaku Oxford Diffraction XtaLAB Synergy-S, a versatile microfocus sealed-tube diffractometer for weakly diffracting samples Acta Cryst. A 2018 74(a1) , a468
  6. Baranov, Mark,, Vainer, Radion,, Sigalov, and Mark V., Crystal structure determination of rac-11'-(1-acetyl-1H-indazol-3-yl)-11',11a'-dihydro-10'H,17'H-spiro[indene-2,18'-[5a,16b]methanotriindeno[1,2-b:1',2'-d:2'',1''-g]oxocine]-1,3,10',12',17'(10a'H)-pentaone acetonitrile 1.5-solvate Acta Cryst. E 2018 74(10) , 1444-1447
  7. See Mun Lee, Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of {N-(3-ethoxy-2-oxidobenzylidene)-4-fluorobenzohydrazonato-κ3O,N,O′}dimethyltin(IV), C18H19FN2O3Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2018 233(2) , 335-337
  8. Szczesio, Malgorzata,, Golka, Jolanta,, Korona-Glowniak, Izabela,, Orlewska, Czeslawa,, Gobis, Katarzyna,, Olczak, and Andrzej, Planarity of heteroaryldithiocarbazic acid derivatives showing tuberculostatic activity: structure-activity relationships Acta Cryst. C 2018 74(3) , 400-405
  9. Glowka, Marek L.,, Kaluzynska, Sylwia,, Krause, Malwina,, Gobis, Katarzyna,, Foks, Henryk,, Szczesio, Malgorzata,, Olczak, and Andrzej, The structures of benzimidazole derivatives and their potential as tuberculostatics Acta Cryst. C 2018 74(12) , 1684-1691
  10. Koichi KAJIHARA, Ryo TAKAHASHI, Hirohiko KATO, and Kiyoshi KANAMURA Seed-free hydrothermal synthesis of all-silica deca-dodecasil 3R with essential reagents Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 2018 126(4) , 221-229
  11. Addala, Abderezak,, Setifi, Zouaoui,, Morimoto, Yukio,, Artetxe, Benat,, Matsumoto, Takashi,, Gutierrez-Zorrilla, Juan M.,, Glidewell, and Christopher, Six tris(bipyridyl)iron(II) complexes with 2-substituted 1,1,3,3-tetracyanopropenide, perchlorate and tetrafluoridoborate anions; order versus disorder, hydrogen bonding and C-N...[pi] interactions Acta Cryst. E 2018 74(12) , 1717-1726
  12. Yee Seng Tan, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of bis(μ-N-i-propyl-N-n-propyldithiocarbamato-κ3S,S′:S)bis(N-i-propyl-N-n-propyldithiocarbamato-κ2S,S′)dicadmium(II), C28H56Cd2N4S8 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2018 233(3) , 481-483
  13. White, Jonathan Michael,, Brydon, Samuel Charles,, Fellowes, and Thomas, Structures of the hydrate and dihydrate forms of the DNA-binding radioprotector methylproamine Acta Cryst. E 2018 74(12) , 1903-1907
  14. Yee Seng Tan, See Mun Lee, and Edward R.T. Tiekink Crystal structure of (N-(3-ethoxy-2-oxidobenzylidene)-4-fluorobenzohydrazonato-κ3N,O,O′)-diphenyltin(IV), C28H23FN2O3Sn Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2018 233(2) , 331-333
  15. Yulia A. Getmanenko, Christopher S. Mullins, Vladimir N. Nesterov, Stephanie Lake, Chad Risko, and Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin Magnetic ordering in a vanadium-organic coordination polymer using a pyrrolo[2,3-d:5,4-d′]bis(thiazole)-based ligand RSC Adv. 2018 8(63) , 36223-36232

  1. Julie Urgiles, Sarah R. Nathan, Samantha N. MacMillan, and Justin J. Wilson Dinuclear nitrido-bridged ruthenium complexes bearing diimine ligands Dalton Trans. 2017 46(41) , 14256-14263
  2. White, Fraser James,, Cruickshank, Dyanne,, Griffin, Alexandra,, Kucharczyk, Damian,, Meyer, Mathias,, Jones, and Adrian, Use of silver radiation for crystallographic studies Acta Cryst. A 2017 73(a2) , C1186