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Latest e-Newsletters from Rigaku are now Available

Rigaku offers no-cost subscriptions to monthly e-newsletters featuring latest information on X-ray analytical techniques and advancements.

THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS -- FEBRUARY 28, 2018. Rigaku Corporation has published new editions of its two electronic newsletters focusing on different areas of X-ray analytical technologies and applications. Each month, Rigaku distributes The Bridge, which focuses on materials analysis, and Crystallography Times, which concentrates on single crystal X-ray diffraction. The February 2018 editions of both newsletters are now available to view on the company’s global website.

In both eNewsletters, recently published scientific papers are presented, along with information about cutting-edge analytical instrumentation, upcoming events, book reviews and profiles of accomplished laboratories.

The Bridge is designed to keep the scientific community abreast of the latest developments in X-ray based materials science. The February 2018 edition contains three scientific journal articles revealing a new method for quantitative phase analysis, an exploration of 2D detection on a benchtop diffractometer using a MiniFlex with the HyPix 2D detector (an option previously available only for high-end models), and an article about the 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry, awarded for the development of cryo-electron microscopy, enabling high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution.

Application notes for both WDXRF, EDXRF and XRD techniques are presented, along with a variety of news stories and recently published scientific papers.

Crystallography Times is a monthly electronic newsletter published by Rigaku Oxford Diffraction(ROD) that concentrates on single crystal X-ray diffraction, serving the X-ray analysis community. Over a dozen recently published crystallographic papers are presented, as well as a collection of news stories highlighting recent developments crystallography.

The featured application note in the current edition describes how to improve data quality for a highly absorbing mineral, specifically hereroite, with the PhotonJet™ Ag source, demonstrating the considerable benefits that can be realized analyzing samples on home-lab instruments by employing silver radiation.

The Product Spotlight in the current issue features the Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-i single crystal X-ray diffractometer, a full-featured instrument suitable for a broad range of crystallography applications. The upgradeable system allows users to further enhance capabilities as the need arises.

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2017 (Edited by Hope Jahren, Houghton Harcourt Mifflin Publishing Co.) is featured in this month’s book review. The book contains 24 pieces of science and nature writing from various American publications.

Each newsletter is offered to be a single source for current scientific news headlines from around the world related to its area of focus. Current issues, and options to sign up for one or both newsletters at no cost, are available at

For further information, contact:

Michael Nelson
Rigaku Global Marketing Group
tel: +1. 512-225-1796