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TOPIQ | High-pressure Crystallography on the Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S Diffractometer


In this Webinar, the process of conducting a high-pressure crystallographic experiment on the XtaLAB Synergy-S will be explained and software features in CrysAlisPro relevant to the technique will be covered. High-pressure crystallography provides a tool for researchers to effect changes in the structure of matter and ultimately understand the phenomena such changes can induce.


Laure Vendier, PhD, LCC CEMES Toulouse

About the Speaker

Laure Vendier, PhD
LCC CEMES Toulouse

INSA Toulouse engineer (physics engineering option, 1994), Laure Vendier obtained her PhD in 1997 in the field of materials for electronics (thesis co-supervised by the INSA Toulouse and the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta).

She was recruited at the CNRS in 1998 on an engineering position at CEMES within the X-ray diffraction department and joined the LCC in 2003 to take the responsibility of the laboratory's XRD platform.

Her main interests are crystallography on small molecules, more specifically the determination of molecular architecture by X-ray diffraction, on sensitive crystals, but also structural studies on powders and nanomaterials by X-ray diffraction. Recently she had the opportunity to train and develop studies under high pressure by XRD on single crystal.